General Conversion Factors
Multiply | By | To Obtain | Atmospheres | 33.9 | Feet of water |
Atmospheres | 29.92 | Inches of mercury | Atmospheres | 10332 | Kilograms/sq. m. |
Atmospheres | 14.7 | Pounds/sq. in. | Atmospheres | 760 | mm of mercury |
Bars | 9.869 x 10ˆ-1 | Atmospheres | Bars | 1.0 x 10ˆ6 | Dynes/sq. cm. |
Bars | 1.020 x10ˆ4 | Kgs./sq. meter | Bars | 14.5 | Pounds/sq. in. |
British Thermal Units | 777.5 | Foot-pounds | British Thermal Units | 1054.6 | Joules |
British Thermal Units | 0.252 | Kg. -calories | British Thermal Units | 2.928 x 10ˆ-4 | K.W.-hours |
B.T.U./hr. | 0.252 | Kg. cal/hr. | B.T.U./hr./sq. ft. | 2.712 | Kg.-cal/hr./sq. m. |
B.T.U./hr./sq. ft./deg F. | 4.882 | Kg. cal/hr./sq. m./deg C. | B.T.U./sq. ft. | 2.712 | Kg. cal./sq. m. |
B.T.U./sq. ft./in. | 6.892 | Kg. cal/sq.m./cm. | Celsius | (°C x 1.8) + 32 | Fahrenheit |
Centimeters | 0.0328 | Feet | Centimeters | 0.3937 | Inches |
Centimeters | 0.01 | Meters | Centimeters | 1.x 104 | Microns |
Centimeters/sec | 0.03281 | Feet/sec | Centipoises | 0.000672 | Lbs./ft.-sec. |
Cubic centimeters | 3.531 x 10ˆ-5 | Cubic feet | Cubic centimeters | 6.102 x 10ˆ-2 | Cubic inches |
Cubic centimeters | 1.0 x 10ˆ-3 | Liters | Cubic feet | 1728 | Cubic inches |
Cubic feet | 0.03704 | Cubic Yards | Cubic feet | 7.481 | Gallons |
Cubic feet | 28.32 | Liters | Cubic feet/second | 26930 | Gallons/hour |
Cubic inches | 1.639 x 10ˆ-5 | Cubic meters | Cubic inches | 4.329 x 10ˆ-3 | Gallons |
Cubic meters | 1.0 x 10ˆ6 | Cubic cm. | Cubic meters | 35.31 | Cubic feet |
Cubic meters | 1.308 | Cubic yards | Degrees(angle) | 1.745 x 10ˆ-2 | Radians |
Dynes | 1.020 x 10ˆ-6 | Kilocirams | Dynes | 2.248 x 10ˆ-6 | Pounds |
Dynes/sq. cm. | 9.870 x 10ˆ-7 | Atmosphere | Dynes/sq. cm. | 1 x 10-6 | Bars |
Dynes/sq. cm. | 0.0102 | Kgs./sq. meter | Dynes/sq. cm. | 2.089 x 10ˆ-3 | Pounds/sq. ft. |
Dynes/sq. cm. | 1.450 x 10ˆ-5 | Pounds/sq. in. | Fahrenheit | 5/9(°F-32) | Celsius |
Feet | 30.48 | Centimeters | Feet | 3.048 x 10ˆ-4 | Kilometer |
Feet | 0.3048 | Meters |
Feet | 304.8 | Millimeters | Feet/minute | 0.01667 | Feet/second |
Foot-pounds | 1.356 | Joules | Foot-pounds | 3.241 x 10ˆ-4 | Kg.-calories |
Foot-pounds | 0.1383 | Kg.-meters | Gallons (U.S.) | 0.1337 | Cubic feet |
Gallons (U.S.) | 231 | Cubic inches | Gallons (U.S.) | 3.785 x 10ˆ-3 | Cubic meters |
Gallons (U.S.) | 3.785 | Liters | Gallons of water | 8.337 | Pounds of water |
Gallons/hour | 3.71 x 10ˆ-5 | Cu. ft./sec. | Grams | 980.7 | Dynes |
Grams | 2.205 x 10ˆ-3 | Pounds | Grams/cubic cm. | 0.03613 | Pounds/cu. in. |
Grams/sq. cm. | 1.422 x 10ˆ-2 | Pounds/sq. in. | Inches | 2.54 | Centimeters |
Inches | 0.0254 | Meters | Inches | 25.4 | Millimeters |
Inches of mercury | 0.03342 | Atmospheres | Inches of mercury | 3.453 x 10ˆ-2 | Kgs./sq. cm. |
Inches of mercury | 0.4912 | Pounds/sq. in. | Inches of water | 2.458 x 10ˆ-3 | Atmosphere |
Inches of water | 0.07349 | Inches of mercury | Inches of water | 0.03609 | Pounds/sq. in. |
Inches of water | 0.1867 | Cms. of mercury | Inches of water (at 4°C) | 2.54 x 10ˆ-3 | Kgs./sq. cm. |
Inches-pounds/deg. | 0.66 | Kilogram-meters/rad. | Joules | 9.486 x 10ˆ-4 | B.T.U. |
Joules | 0.7376 | Foot-pounds | Joules | 2.390 x 10ˆ-4 | Kg.-calories |
Kilograms | 980665 | Dynes | Kilograms | 1.0x103 | Grams |
Kilograms | 2.205 | Pounds | Kilogram-calories | 3.968 | B.T.U. |
Kilogram-calories | 3086 | Foot-pounds | Kilogram-calories | 4186 | Joules |
Kilogram-meters | 7.233 | Foot-pounds | Kilograms/cu. meters | 3.613 x 10ˆ-5 | Pounds/cu. in. |
Kilograms/sq. cm. | 9.80665 x 10ˆ5 | Dynes/sq. | Kilograms/sq. cm. | 14.226 | Pounds/sq. |
Kilograms/sq. meter | 9.678 x 10ˆ5 | Atmospheres | Kilograms/sq. meters | 9.804 x 10ˆ-5 | Bars |
Kilometers | 1.0 x 10ˆ5 | Centimeters | Kilometers | 3281 | Feet |
Kilometers | 3.937 x 10ˆ4 | Inches | Kilonewtons/sq. meter | 0.145 | Pounds/sq. in. |
Kilospascals | 0.145 | Pounds/sq. in. | Liters | 1.0 x 10 | Cubic centimeters |
Liters | 0.0351 | Cubic feet | Liters | 0.2642 | Gallons (U.S.) |
Liters | 1.0 x 10ˆ-3 | Cubic meters | Mega pascals (mPa) | 145 | Pounds/sq. in |
Meters | 3.281 | Feet | Meters | 39.37 | Inches |
Meters | 100 | Centimeters | Meters | 0.001 | Kilometers |
Meters | 1000 | Millimeters | Meters/sec. | 3.281 | Feet/sec. |
Microns | 3.94 x 10ˆ-5 | Inches | Millimeters | 0.1 | Centimeters |
Millimeters | 0.003281 | Feet | Millimeters | 0.03937 | Inches |
Millimeters | 1.0 x 10ˆ-6 | Kilometers | Millimeters | 0.001 | Meters |
Newtons | 1.0 x 10ˆ5 | Dynes | Newtons | 0.2248 | Pounds |
Newtons/mm | 5.71 | Pounds/inch | Newton-Meters | 8.8504 | Inch-pounds |
Newtons/sq. meter | 1 | Pascals | Ounces | 28.35 | Grams |
Ounces (fluid) | 0.02957 | Liters | Pounds | 444823 | Dynes |
Pounds | 453.6 | Grams | Pounds | 0.4536 | Kilograms |
Pounds of water | 0.01602 | Cubic feet | Pounds of water | 27.68 | Cubic inches |
Pounds of water | 0.1198 | Gallons | Pounds/cu. foot | 0.01602 | Grams/cu. cm. |
Pounds/cubic foot | 16.02 | Kgs./cu. meter | Pounds/cubic foot | 5.787 x 10ˆ-4 | Pounds/cu. in. |
Pounds/cu. in. | 2.768 x 10ˆ4 | Kgs./cu. meter | Pounds/cu. in. | 1.728 x 10ˆ3 | Pounds/cu. ft. |
Pounds/inch | 17.86 | Kilograms/meter | Pounds/inch | 178.6 | Grams/cm. |
Pounds/square inch | 2.036 | Inches of mercury | Pounds/square inch | 51.7 | Mm of mercury |
Pounds/square inch | 703.1 | Kgs./sq. meter | Radians | 57.3 | Degrees |
Slugs | 3.217 x 10ˆ1 | Pounds | Square centimeters | 0.155 | Square inches |
Square feet | 929 | Square cms. | Square feet | 0.0929 | Square meters |
Square inches | 645.2 | Square mms. | Square inches | 6.452 | Square cms. |
Square meters | 1.55 x 10ˆ3 | Square inches | Square millimeters | 1.0 x 10ˆ-2 | Square cms. |
Square millimeters | 1.55 x 10ˆ-3 | Square inches | Tons | 0.02 | Pounds/sq. in. |